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DIM Trisha ooak doll
Item Details


DIMdoll Trisha with custom make up by oobie doll.


She's a beautiful creation.  This is the Doll In Mind Trisha doll.  I found her to sit and kneel beautifully.  I believe what they are working on is the leg area as she doesn't stand perfectly, but it is possible.

What I also know is that Trisha behaves so sweetly in a rag doll sort of way.  Her head is quite heavy and large (8.75") and while you hold her, she will give an exhausted flip to her head.  I love this about her.  I would compare this doll to the Dollmore Lukia doll.

Trisha was painted by me, oobie doll, in the same manner as most bjd artists.  Used were Volks suspended acrylics and their chalk powders.  Her head has been sealed throughout the painting and blushing process with a UV cut spray with 2 final coats to finish.  The bottom lashes are some of the finest and most delicate work I've done.  Just beautiful for this doll.

She has a sprinkling of soft freckles, singly applied eyelashes and gloss acrylic to her pouty lips.  Her finger and toe nails have been painted a sweet pink.  And those hands.....if you've never seen this doll in person, her hands and feet are very charming.

Oobie Doll is an online BJD store specializing in one of a kind doll wigs!


Oobie Doll specializes in wig design, handcrafted BJD items, OOAK painted dolls. 

~custom requests are always welcomed~

Thank you for visiting oobie doll.   Have fun playing with your dollies!

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